Weekly Parsha

Parshat Ki Teitzei

Parshat Ki Teitzei contains a wide variety of laws, many of which focus on social justice, family life, and ethical behavior. Here’s a summary of its key themes and content: 1....

Parshat Ki Teitzei

Parshat Ki Teitzei contains a wide variety of laws, many of which focus on social justice, family life, and ethical behavior. Here’s a summary of its key themes and content: 1....

Parshat Shoftim

Parshat Shoftim primarily focuses on establishing a just society in the Promised Land by outlining guidelines for leadership, justice, and ethical conduct. Here’s a summary of its key themes and content:...

Parshat Shoftim

Parshat Shoftim primarily focuses on establishing a just society in the Promised Land by outlining guidelines for leadership, justice, and ethical conduct. Here’s a summary of its key themes and content:...

Parshat Eikev

Parshat Eikev, in Deuteronomy, emphasizes the rewards for obeying G-d's commandments, including blessings and prosperity in the Promised Land. Moses reminds the Israelites of G-d's past miracles and urges them...

Parshat Eikev

Parshat Eikev, in Deuteronomy, emphasizes the rewards for obeying G-d's commandments, including blessings and prosperity in the Promised Land. Moses reminds the Israelites of G-d's past miracles and urges them...

Parshat Re'eh

Parshat Re'eh, in Deuteronomy, presents a choice between blessings for obeying G-d's commandments and curses for disobedience. It outlines laws about idolatry, kosher food, tithes, and charity. Moses instructs the...

Parshat Re'eh

Parshat Re'eh, in Deuteronomy, presents a choice between blessings for obeying G-d's commandments and curses for disobedience. It outlines laws about idolatry, kosher food, tithes, and charity. Moses instructs the...